in Thine infinite Wisdom, please list on the
FEMA website our own Operation Blessing, right behind the Red Cross and America's Second Harvest, so that we may justly benefit from the largesse of those good, good Americans who may be moved to donate cash or clothing or food - oh hell, just cash - for the victims of this terrible, terrible hurricane disaster, which Thou in Thy Almighty Wisdom hath sent to smite the gays and pornographers inhabiting that most ungodly of American cities. Amen.
Pat Robertson
P.S. And Lord, if you could put us ahead of all the other charities that are suitable for a US government disaster relief website, such as Adventist Community Services, B'nai B'rith International, Catholic Charities USA, Christian Disaster Response, Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, Church World Service, Convoy of Hope, Lutheran Disaster Response, Mennonite Disaster Service, Nazarene Disaster Response, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, those creepy Salvation Army types, Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief, United Jewish Communities, and United Methodist Committee on Relief, we'd be most grateful. Amen.