Originally posted by notcasesensitive
my sky is shades of pink, yellow and purple. pollution makes for the best sunsets!
Senior partner: ncs I assume this is an early draft. do you have the most recent copy?
ncs: no. that's the only version, is there a problem?
senior partner: Well yes. what do mean by Sky- this is a bit too bald face isn't it?
ncs: you know. the sky- what I see when I look up
Senior Partner: Huh? if I look up I see ceiling tile, and they're white.
ncs: well, I mean when I'm outside. When I'm outside I look up and that's the colors I see.
Senior Partner: well then you need to make that qualifier clear. And does it need be limited in time?
ncs: excuse me sir?
Senior Partner: What if I go out at midnight- should I expect to see those colors?
ncs: no, no I understand sir. Let me take another shot at this.