NBA abandons biz cas
David Stern wants a dress code:
The NBA has not yet determined what its new dress code for players will be. Stern spoke of the need to require more "professional" attire as part of efforts to have the image of players better represent the league.
Speculation soon spread that jeans would be banned and collared shirts would be required for all professional settings, from the walk from the loading dock to the locker room to team flights and bus rides.
"Being neatly attired in a certain way, that's going to be our norm," Stern told the Boston Globe. "The dress code ... is a small thing that contributes to a sense of professionalism. It's what the job entails. We've always moved to the fashion of our players. Years ago, the fashion was a jacket and tie. Now, it's a much more casual approach.
"But our referees are always attired a certain way based upon their job description when they come into the building. Our coaches are attired a certain way when they come on the court. We decided that it was time (for the players)."
Players generally have not objected to having to be "neatly attired." It is the "certain way" part that has caused concern.
ETA: to clarify, this is a proposed policy to address attire where a player might be seen, like an airport, a hotel, or walking into the corporate office on a non-game day.
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79
Last edited by Replaced_Texan; 10-10-2005 at 06:49 PM..