Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I feel like I am talking to a pair of particularly slow kindergarteners in having to say this, but one might use force to stop what is happening at a concentration camp (e.g., Treblinka) without using (more) force to try to change that country's culture.
So we should have changed Treblinka, but allowed the Nazi's to stay in power?
Yes we could have invaded Germany, changed Treblinka and just left. Can't believe I didn't think of that. That is what we should have done.
Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
If -- if -- Hussein had been killing people in 2002 on anything like the scale achieved by the Nazis in 1944, then we could have found a way to use force to stop him without embarking on the project of turning Iraq into a western democracy. As it happens, we did not need to contemplate this problem, because the no-fly zone was already preventing Hussein from committing genocide against many Iraqis.
Yes because the no fly zones stopped Hussein from draining the swamps.
And you are right turning Iraq into a democracy is a bad thing. The Germans were naturally totalitarian, we should have just stopped the Genoice but not tried to impose a western democracy on them. We should have learned our lesson with our screw up with Germany, and not tried to impose our crazy western ideals of respect of human rights and democracy on the Iraqis.
We just didn't learn from our screw up with Germany and Japan.