Originally posted by ABBAKiss
The way the signup works, the machines do not sit idle. At my gym, you sign up for halfhour increments. When I arrive, I sign up for two half hour increments on an elliptical. If it is not yet to my time, but there is a machine open, I take it. We have a five minute grace perliod. I can throw someone off the machine I signed up for for the first five minutes of my time - then I have claimed the machine. If I fail to show, whoever is on the machine stays, until the next time slot. If I grab a machine I did not sign up for and someone claims it as their signup within the first five minutes, I get off - no question. After five minutes, the machine is mine - whoever signed up forfeited. The machines at my gym rarely sit idle...but neither do the workerouters because no one sits around waiting for anyone else to end their workout. We plan our workouts and follow the rules. I gym without signups is likely to have a lot of disputes. Mine has few, and all disputes are easily resolved with a review of the rules.
You people need bigger gyms. Or to live in parts of the country where more people are lazy.
But that said, is there any way to make the crippling pain in my legs from the core-body workout class I unwisely jumped into on Wednesday with no warmup go away? I'm dying.