As I was coming back from lunch the C_O*, a person I work with regularly, got on the elevator. I smiled and said "Hi. How are you today?" "Shitty." During the remainder of the brief elevator ride we chatted about who may need to be killed.
Lunch, btw fringey, was a fish taco from
Berryhill. On Mondays and Fridays they're $1.99 each. I can't remember if your seafood prohibition is everything but fish, or only fish, but if you're at all a fish eater, I highly recommend a fish taco for lunch.
Potential downside: There is evidence on my shirt of how I enjoyed my lunchtime in the form of a couple of spatters of salsa.
*Chief (area he's chief of removed in case I'm on his hit list and he was trying to throw me off the scent by mentioning other buildings) Officer