Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Where's the "right of return" for all the Jews that were kicked out of ...well....everywhere?
Two wrongs don't make a right. If you get kicked out of your house that doesn't give you the right to come kick me out of mine.
Originally posted by SlaveNoMore Jordan threw the Palis out too. You don't hear them clamoring to go back to Jordan. Not that Jordan would take them. Or Iran. Or any other nation of Muslim Brothers
I think they kicked out the Palestinian refugees. In other words, the Palestinians that had been kicked out of Isreal, came to Jordan and tried to overthrow the government. The Palestinians want to go back to Isreal because that is where they are from, not the first place they went when they were kicked out.
Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
"Right of return" is a PC way of saying "Flood Israel with Arabs to make it an Arab country and make the Jews a powerless minority"
The true result would be genocide.
You can say that a Palestinian return to Isreal is not gonig to happen, but to pretend that the expulsion never happened, or that the Palestinians weren't wronged when it happend makes you lose any moral crediblity. They had a moral right to return to their homes which was denied to them. Right now it may be unrealistic to grant them that right but it should be acknowledged that their rights were infringed upon, and something should be done to mitigate the damage that was done to them by having their rights infringed upon. If you don't acknowledge that how can you argue that the palestinians should stop doing anything because it is "immoral"?