Ben Affleck Schadenfreude
Originally posted by Sparklehorse
I happened to catch Ben Affleck on the Late Show last night. Not sure if it was a repeat but it was recent since he was reading off a list of his "favorite" mean reviews of Gigli and talking about the stripper incident. Did anyone else see this? He was trying to laugh it off but he came off sounding incredibly defensive. He also made some really weak jokes about how Jenny won't let his friends in Bastahn throw him a real bachelor party as punishment for the strippers.
Also, I saw him throw out a pitch at a Red Sox game last Friday and there was a lot of grumbling in the crowd around me. Not exactly a warm reception from the "home town" crowd.
Pathetic-ist man alive.
Matt Damon would have received a standing O. When is J.Fleck going to realize he can't go back? It's over for him. He has no home.
No no no, that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help and I'll tell you why: It doesn't unbang your Mom.