10-18-2007, 01:34 PM
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Pushing Daisies
Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
I disagree on Melrose. It was a soap opera, just like Grey's. And it's campy now, looking back, but back then it was just another soap.
I do agree that the male characters are somewhat 2-dimensional -- basically, ideas of what women either think men should be like or are like. But I really liked Burke's character. I like George and I like the Chief. Hell, Alex is an interesting character as well. The McDreamy and McSteamy stuff is garbage, as was Izze's bed-ridden love interest.
I also like Christina, who is not your typical character. Izze is fine.
But what I really like about the show is that the minority characters aren't so stereotypical. They're just like everyone else, but they aren't written by a white guy who is trying to make them like everyone else, you know what I mean? And they are in positions of authority, without being the typical let's-throw-a-black-woman-in-as-judge-who-says,-"I'll-allow-it,-but-you're-on-a-short-leash,-counselor" type character.
The memory-loss, shaved-head, dual personality, murder, crazy people shit on Melrose seems distinguishable from Grey's. But maybe that only developed later.
I'm using lipstick again.