Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
Maybe when I'm 47, I'll pack in this law thing, get a hold of a blonde wig and some fake boobs and become a cheerleader with hopes and dreams of falling in love, starting a family and embarking on a successful and rewarding career with many successes and rewards. And I wouldn't want people like you with your age-ist views to get in my way. She's a trailblazer -- that's what she is.
So the sister-in-law called last night. She wanted to know if we were close to the fires. Yes, of course. Now that the wind has shifted, we are only 795 miles away from them now. Apparently San Diego and San Francisco sound the same to her.
Plus, at the age of 36, she has decided that maybe she wants to be a dermatologist. Even though she has not done that pesky college thing.