Hair Epiphany
Yesterday I got my hair super blow-dried for a full hour, and it was pulled and smoothed until it was a long, bouncy, glorious, shiny, sexy mane that swirled with my every move. But then I looked at the girl next to me who had had the same thing done and 1/2 hour after looking at her gorgeous long blond shiny hair, she turned around and......poof.....her face looked like a combo of Barbara Bush and that Versace chick. She had to be pushing 60. There is only so much better that I'd want my hair (or body) to look as compared to my face. I don't know how small of a discrepancy or ratio (hi TM) it should be, but that lady when she turned around transformed like the chick in the bathtub in The Shining. I think I know why chicks go "shorter' with their hair when they get older.
That's all. Carry on.
"Before you criticize someone you should walk a mile in their shoes.That way, when you criticize someone you are a mile away from them.And you have their shoes."