Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
They have neglected their housecleaning.
It may be a function of such decisions as politicizing the AG's office, so AGs were chasing Dems but not Rs. If you keep the watchdog muzzled, sooner or later the neighborhood burglers are going to figure out that he can't bark or bite.
It may be a function of the holier-than-thou attitude of the Christian right and the Rove/Cheney faction.
It may be a function of the last Congressional leadership - after all, if you put guys like DeLay in charge, it's hard to tell the rank and file to behave. The jackel isn't going to get the wolves to leave the sheep alone.
For whatever reason, there are a lot of trees, and until someone realizes they have a problem and do a bit of housecleaning, the little buggers will just keep sprouting. (Have I mangled enough metaphors this post?)
No, not at all. Its a very clear point. The party is a disaster. An analogy to the Catholic Church is apt. The only reason its even viable is that the Dems are almost as bad, not so much from corruption (give them time once they're in power), but because they're beholden to a whole different crop of special interests.
Lobbying should be illegal. It's just that simple. It distorts what should be an intellectual debate. And there should be term limits across the board. If we continue to allow corporations to use DC as a feeding trough, we stifle innovation and subsidize dying industries. I'm being too general here, but you know what I mean. The current "privatization" looks a lot more like subsidization. I think over time this hurts both govt and corporations and is a huge factor in the wealth disparity issue.