Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
Chicago or NYC lawyers disrespect me because I work in Detroit. I never expected you to do the same.
What are you talking about? Detroit may be shrinking, but it's more cosmopolitan than Podunkville (hey, I saw "Out Of Sight.") Plus, the only intellectual property I deal with is paying the licensing fee to WesLex each year for the slip and fall formbook that my practice depends upon.
Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
For your post to have any meaning what so ever you would need to list what the bill was missing that caused him to veto, and what he was willing to let die. wouldn't you have to do that, or am i dumb?
Um, dude, it was your comparison. That means you have to do the work on figuring out what Bill (a) wanted included and (b) what he was willing to roll the dice on, and then come back to tell me that the answeres were comparable to "telecom immunity" and "terrorist attack," respectively.