Originally posted by sgtclub
I have the same thoughts on Obama, although I need to read up more on his policies. I also think it would be a huge positive step if this country elected a black person, although I'm not sure he can beat Hilary in the primary.
I cannot bring myself to vote for Hilary for a multitude of reasons, but I do think she is a smart, formidable politician, who has successfully made her on mark apart from Bill.
Rudi is the only one on the GOP side I could vote for, but something about him is just not presidential. But his positions are mostly closely aligned with mine of all those in the race.
I think McCain is basically a well-intentioned idiot.
Huckabee strikes me as a charlatan.
Hillary has 666 tatooed inside one of the folds in her thighs. She creeps me out on levels I didn't know I had. Rudy does the same thing to me, but not quite as intensely. And I love the idea of Republican pro-choice Papist running the country.
Huckabee's a temporary amusement. He's "Rudy" for the Jesus Nut crowd.*
McCain's no fool but he's burned far too many bridges for any serious party apparatus to get behind him. He's also too old. He'll evoke visions of Dole in 96.
*Of the Notre Dame football movie fame.