Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
I know now is a time for prayer, and this may be a bit untimely, but I always thought Roy's skills on big cat training were over-rated.
I said many prayers for Roy today, notwithstanding his sins, G-d made him and like all men he is weak of flesh. Also, let’s pray for the tiger too. G-d made all of his creatures as treasures and loves us all as His children, even big cats.
I saw Roy and Siegfried’s show many years ago in Vegas and seeing those magnificent tigers up close one gets the impression that perhaps such perversions of natural order were not quite in His plan. At times, even with my domesticated kitties, I fear that given the right opportunity they might see me more as a super-sized meal than a mom.
At the end of the day the tiger was just doing what comes naturally. And poor sweet natured Roy was just being a senseless human, flaunting the laws of nature in pursuit of the sins of riches and greedy exploitation. Part of me wonders if Roy didn’t have a sausage sandwiche before the show and perhaps the Cat smelled it off of his breathe. They have very acute olafactory senses.