Originally Posted by Atticus Grinch
Q. "And you thought he posed a threat to you, such that responding with deadly force made sense to you?"
A. "Absolutely."
Q. "Why?"
A. "I had once searched ASCAP licenses, and discovered that he wrote 'Hey Joe' and had recorded a cover of 'I Shot The Sheriff.'"
Pros.: "Move to strike."
Judge Finch: [Fill in the blank.]
Hate to respond to the same post twice, but since Marley singing I Shot the Sheriff isn't remotely close to the situation in this case (unless the Defendant was aiming to shoot I down in the first place, in which case imma no be self-defense, dig?), I'll give you this hypo instead:
Q. "And you thought he posed a threat to you, such that responding with deadly force made sense to you?"
A. "Absolutely."
Q. "Why?"
A. "When I bumped into him in the bar he yelled "Get the fuck off of me you fucking Jew." Then I watched a video of him on YouTube. He has swastika tattoos and he's in a band called Skrewdriver and he was singing that Nancy Sinatra song but with different words -- it ended with "One of these days these boots are gonna stomp all over Jews." So when I saw him coming at me in an alley and yelling "Hey, that's the fucking Jew who hit me in the bar," I was scared for my life.
Pros. [Atticus]: "Move to strike."
Judge Finch: "On what grounds?"
Pros. [Atticus] [Fill in the blank.]