Originally posted by Fugee
No, we didn't invent the concept of Christ figures. We just follow Christ who was on earth as a real historical person, referred to in accepted historical secular writings of the era. You may not believe what the disciples wrote about him in the New Testament, but 10 of the 11 remaining disciples were willing to die for what they wrote and believed, which would be pretty stupid if they knew it was all a made-up archetype.
And even before Christ, the Old Testament is full of foreshadowing of what Christ would be like.
I think the archetype exists because people have always had a God-shaped hole in their lives and have looked for ways to fill it.
End of sermon.
Fu(Christianity Timmy)fee
From a literaray perspective, the Holy Ghost is a terribly undeveloped character. None of the authors of the bible ever flush out exactly what he is or what his gig is. You've got God, then you've got his son... then you have this "ghost" they hang around with, but never does anything. I'd say the Holy Ghost is analagous to Fredo, but even Fredo was in some scenes and figured importantly in the flick.
This Ghost is one third of the Trinity, yet no one has a damn clue who he is or what he's up to. I asked this question of a priest years ago and he said "Oh, its a mystery." Guess what asshole - no answer, no fucking donation. Its exactly these sort of plot holes that have convinced me that the Catholic Church is a collection of the finest snake oil salesmen in history. Spray some incense here, say some Latin there, allude to mysteries a bit and threaten people with damnation... there, that should separate Joe Six Pack from hiw wallet.
If Christianity/Judaism was a screenplay no one would have ever made it. Parting seas, locusts, plagues on first born, making loaves and fishes last for months, ghosts, burning bushes, guys who live to be 1000... its got more holes and rambling pointless subplots than a recent Warren Beatty vehicle.
S(And who was the ghost before he died?)d