More affairs!
I know a strange woman who lives in a high rise but is completely a satellite tv junkie.
(Now, I realize that I bet she pirates all the access, because she seems like the kind of person who would figure that out and do it. And I know that she runs with some organized crime types. And, maybe this a severe and inapproproate prejudice, but, she is Eastern European, and hangs out in the Eastern European community, and the idea that Eastern European organized crime types would be heavily involved in satellite card piracy does not surprised me in the least.)
She told me this whole story about how, in the winter (in Chicago), her high rise apartment gets too cold with the type of window that one needs to get satellite reception. But, in the summer, she has some satellite-transarent window that might be more atmosphere-transparent, but that's fine in the summer, so she sets up her dish on a stand and gets reception.
(She also told me how her tv mount on her wall in her apartment wasn't mounted correctly, and it fell on her bed while she was in it, destroying wall, tv, mount and bed. But, she wasn't hurt, luckily.)
So, you really can't get the local networks over satellite in NY and LA now? Wasn't there legislation about that? Or did the legislation simply say that the networks had to provide the satellite companies feeds if they so desired, and now the leverage has shifted in some way? If, so, how?