Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
No Republican is interested in standing down, or haven't you been paying attention? If you insist on pretending that both sides are the same, it makes things worse. They're going to keep on keeping on until they can't.
Also, I think you're wrong. One of the issues fueling this is abortion rights, which most of the country supports. Conservatives who don't are trying to pack the Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Most of the country is perfectly fine with Roe v. Wade and does not want it overturned.
I think a lot of Rs would love to stand down. Even John Cornyn expressed misgivings about going forward initially.
Rs can't stand down because the crazy minority of the base with a hard-on for flipping
Roe won't let them.
But I'd kind of like
Roe to be supplanted by a better decision - an ironclad, unimpeachable decision - granting women full control of their bodies.
The argument in support of abortion should be a negative rights one (which would infuriate the "freedom" fanatics on the right):
Men have full autonomy over their bodies. Nothing in the law precludes them from doing whatever they like to their bodies. Women are entitled to all of the same rights as men. To deny them the right to control all of their bodies, including necessarily their reproductive organs, renders them less than full humans relative to men.
Constitutionally, men and women must be treated equally. A prohibition on abortion effectively renders women 3/5 human.
Now, of course, that leads to the argument that the fetus has rights at some point. That's an entirely different conversation, however. Once you start balancing the rights of the fetus and the woman, you're into an argument of degree. The argument that women do not have a right to an abortion at all is forever lost by the Right.