Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
I’ve been walking thru stores every day since this started. I’ve been to god knows how many social distanced parties. I pick up take out all the time. The only thing I don’t do is go to bars and restaurants and gyms.
Wear. A. Mask. And distance. You mathematically limit your chances enormously by doing those simple things. Ain’t fucking rocket science. And if you still get it? Well, you did all you could. You’ll get improving therapies and most likely be fine.
Pretty similar here. I've done all that. Masks 100% indoors and whenever I am near other people outdoors even running. No bars, no restaurants, no gyms. And as I have mentioned, no office. The risk of doing eight hours of face time (even if I am masked) when the windows are locked and the maskless cough brigade is circling, just isn't worth it for me. Especially as it was a historic superspreader event in March and no changes have been made.
My boss recently called me and was pissed that I was going to Target instead of in the office doing face time, and I said "That's because Target is safer."