FB Death Pool
Very nice turnout for first day of death pool sign-ups! So far I have 6 participants (not including me). Still waiting for Fugee's picks, since she is the one who inspired the pool (not because I was wishing for her death or anything of course).
Anyway, make sure to check out the thread titled 2004 Celebrity Death Pool if you are interested in playing. I'll send around a reminder next week before the deadline for submissions. Winner receives $50 gift certificate from lawtalkers (winner's choice of amazon.com or certain other sponsors). And it is free to play (well, other than the possible bad kharma associated with betting on peoples' death). Can't beat that.
Ps. Worrying about bad kharma is for sissies. [This would have been an asterisk, but I'm still thinking that paigow might play.]
Last edited by notcasesensitive; 02-20-2004 at 12:30 PM..