Originally posted by sunnybunny
OK, why I'm asking you guys for relationship advice, God only knows ecept that I ain't gonna ask my momma this one, but here goes:
Mr. Bunny promised (this was his offer--not a "yes" at gunpoint, but as a peace offering in another fight) to not renew his subscription to Playboy. I just found out that he recently renewed it anyway...when asked about it, he said "I didn't think you really cared."
Should I be really ticked off? What's a sufficient punishment? I'm not mad about the Playboys so much as the treachery.
Sunny (anti-playboy)Bunny
You should provide him with provocative pictures of yourself, and tell him that should be enough for him. He will like that, and set aside the playboys for a bit. Then tell him fair is fair, and get pictures of him.
Post them on the internet, and send an email with the link to his family. That will teach him.