Originally posted by bridge of love
Lili Taylor (Lisa) is credited as guest star. Rachel Griffiths (Brenda) and all the other regulars are just credited. The only question on Lisa is whether the funeral takes place at Fisher & Diaz.
Possible 6FU spoilers:
Rachel Griffiths got a guest star credit in several episodes where she had only a minor role (actually, I think it was "with Rachel Griffiths," but whatever). In the latest episode (which I had to complete before going back to the office for a late night, I was so interested to find out what happened to Lisa), Lisa was only in it for a 15-second dream sequence. Lili Taylor usually gets a regular credit. I imagine this is all some sort of union credit thing or just some custom the producers stick to.
I am more intrigued by the continuing dive into depression of Ruth and the Rico/Vanessa/her sister storylines. I can't get a good feel for whether Rico is just a controlling maniac or a prudent guy. Looks like the trust is somewhere in the middle. Did he cheat on her, or vice versa, in the past? Hasn't she always been kind of passive/aggressive about him not making enough money or something?