Originally posted by bilmore
Sadly, this has turned into the All TV, All The Time, network.
Apparently, GA's just work and veg by the tube.
If someone develops a new model of GA that rafts, shoots, vedls, short swings, pops, rappels, wheelies, crashes and burns, or even just klitches, please call the rest of us. At that point, you are actually doing something with the short time that you have.
Until then, my god, you people are doomed.
To death, or boredom. I'm not sure which is worse. But, I think you all deserve better.
When did you stop being funny and turn into a crotchety old fart?
Did you ever think that many of us actually have real firm jobs and we are still concerned about being outed so if we have really interesting hobbies, like say, visiting serial killers in prison or staying overnight in famous haunted houses, or even if we just went white-water rafting last weekend, we might not be able to talk about it on the board b/c we have actually mentioned these unique and interesting things to our co-workers?
I don't talk to my co-workers about tv. I talk to my on-line imaginary friends about it. And if you don't like it, you can hustle your ass off to a tv-free board.