1) Guilty as charged on all counts;
2) Acquitted on all charges -- defendant walks;
3) Guilty on some counts or lesser charges, but not all counts. (Must be at least one not guilty returned.)
4) Takes plea;
5) Charges dropped;
6) Other (Flees the country, dies before trial, etc.)
Jackson - 3*
Peterson - 1**
Bryant - 2
Blake - 6
Spector - 3
We should also handicap Martha's appeal. I think she might get a reversal. Tiebreaker?
*I'm also predicting a suicide, but
after the jury returns a guilty verdict as to some of the counts, which I read under the rules as a 3 notwithstanding his subsequent demise.
**Will be convicted of two counts of premeditated murder; will not get the death penalty. People who are predicting acquittal are nuts --- he's not being tried in L.A. or S.F. There are parts of California that actually enforce the criminal laws, and where there are juries that help. (I do find it squicky that the indictment names the fetus. Not sure why I feel that way, but I do.)