Originally posted by viet_mom
Considering the place is a very very modest cape code style home, would it be silly to hire an interior designer on a small scale just to give me some ideas? I would like to reupholster (sp.?) some armchairs which I'm sure she/he could help with. And help pick colors to paint the rooms. But would this be costly and how do I find an inexpensive interior designer? And would they be able to give ideas on larger renovations like making it so the dishwasher is not on the other side of the room than the sink, facing a wall (don't ask).
Any ideas would be appreciated.
An easy alternative to hiring a designer or decorator is to go through some magzazines, looking at ads and photo layouts (buy some design mags), tearing out the pictures you like. That will give you ideas. Bring them with you when you go shopping.