Originally posted by ltl/fb
If you are a Republican, and I think you are, all I have to say for you is that people really need to think about these things before they go having sex and making babies. She should have taken more personal responsibility.
You know, as a young man, even in the throes of a Mickey's Big Mouth and skunk weed bender, with a willing partner, I always remembered "hey, this thing's loaded... no way I'm having sex without some birth control." If a drunken high school kid who gets hard when he spies a lingerie ad can control himself, everybodyu else should be able to. I just don't get folks who get knocked up and pop in and out of these fucked up relationships. Use. Birth. Control. What don't you understand about the fact that fucking without it gets you pregnant, and fucking a total dispshit without it might land your ass in a trailer park? Is it that hard to go to Planned Parenthood or buy some good, top shelf condoms?