Originally posted by Anne Elk
Since I work on one of the upper floors on my elevator bank I usually end up in the back of the elevator for the 5:01 local to the lobby. My peeve is that all teh gentlemen, dont' get off right away. They step aside so that I can get off for them. Very nice and all and I appreciate the gesture, but it's a pain in the ass to negotiate my way around all the bodies and bags. Sometimes men should not be chivalrous, they should just get off the damn elevator!
That's the problem with the "ladies first" rule - everyone adheres to the letter blindly and no one understands the nuances and exceptions, which are almost as numerous as the cases in which it literally applies. He what is closest to the door gets off first, regardless of time of entry, gender or anything else.
Re: Mom's 3rd floor rule, it didn't apply in the sorority house (where they had a "one foot on the floor at all times" rule for when boys were around), it was a general edict of behavior wherever one went.
I grew up with the leg-crossing rule, but it only applied to crossing one's legs at the knees, which is not ladylike. I was still allowed to cross my legs at the ankle, which is ladylike.
Whoever had the "leg check" rules should have objected on the grounds that one never, ever wears hose with couture (that's a longstanding fashionista style rule, not an etiquette rule, but cite Jackie Kennedy if necessary).