Originally posted by Say_hello_for_me
There is no doubt that Bush & co. made a mistake in Fallujah, and you thinking it was a wise move is silly. Its just one more in a series of mistakes they've been making since the beginning, and it all ties in to elections etc.
The mistake was assuming they could do the occupation on the cheap, and failing to plan to have enough troops on the ground. That meant that we'd be talking about "going in" to Fallujah instead of being there already. We just didn't have enough troops to properly occupy the country and maintain order, and what happened to the ex-SEALs was the predictable result. If the argument is whether to level the town or stand idly by, you're losing either way. I happen to think we lost worse this way, but YMMV.
Agree that it all ties into elections. Why did they fuck the occupation up? Part of it has to be the desire to do it on the cheap, with no domestic sacrifice. General Shinseki said they'd need many, many more troops there, and he got canned for it.