Originally posted by Say_hello_for_me
Remember how we Republicans joke around that we are not the party that reads daily polls to find out what positions we should take? Well, just on the off-chance that you or someone else here didn't get it, its supposed to pose a complete contrast between our solid law-abiding moral stance as a party and the shifty murky lie-when-you-can-get-away-with-it and there-is-no-such-thing-as-morality stance of the Clinton era.
In other words, Clinton did whatever the polls said to do, and that ain't us. See where I'm going now? If the polls told Clinton to eliminate the war on drugs entirely, he would at least have raised the idea. Instead, he didn't touch it with a ten foot stick. Nor has any other mainstream party leader.
Funny, but the facts just don't bear you out. Clinton boldly moved to eliminate discrimination against gays in the military. Was that a popular stance at the time? No. Of course, it was the right stance (as opposed to the right-wing stance), but it sure wasn't popular.
Your argument about the war on drugs is based on the fluff in your head. Clinton didn't reduce the country's commitment to the war on drugs, even as voters in various states called for such a reduction.