Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?
I just thought it was funny. Especially b/c he nailed it. "Booty call" is a dorky term.
He nailed it until the end. It's not that hard to remain friends with your booty-callers*. You just make sure you never say anything stupid. I'm good friends with two guys who were the most active in the bootycalling heyday. As for the sleeping over bit, no one who is just coming by for sex ever sleeps over. You just make it a flat rule.
*I don't know what to call them - I dislike this term and the term "friends with benefits" - that term was not popular in my day, and I just used to call them my friends who would sometimes stop by late on weekend nights and I would let in if I was by myself. Kind of a mouthful, but any cute little term sounds stupid.