Originally posted by TexLex
So my kid is huge and I'm bit worried that he's gonna be wider than he is tall. Right now he is 95% for height and off the chart for weight, which is about proportionate for now. If our bathroom scale is right, he is about 26lbs at 8mos.
We've got the opposite problem. I'd trade you--unless my wife can stop feeling guilty about it. Same age, but only 16.5 pounds. which is down around 20%ile. Height, oddly, is over 75%ile. Combined, she's 3%ile weight for height. Breast fed. Homemade baby food since six mos. (except rice cereal). No (real) milk
Developmentally she's fine, though, which I keep telling my wife. Besides, both her parents are not slimmies, and the last thing we need is a complete chunker. I'm fine with it and figure she'll be fine. My wife worries about it all the time. She doesn't seem to buy my argument that percentiles are just that, and suggest normal ranges, adn that it's not hte SAT, where a high percentile is what you want.