Originally posted by Mister_Ruysbroeck
And furthermore, the other admins are correct in that there is no way, using our current software, for the admins to read your PMs. Of course, it is all data, stored in a database (duh), and if an admin wanted to go through the database and look at the PM tables, they most certainly could. However, I think I am the only person who currently knows how to do that, 'cept for maybe leagl.
I for one constantly read other people's PMs. It's how I spend my days. I filter through all the text, dreamily reading people's personal communications. Then I print them out, take them home, put them on my bed, and make love with my g/f on top of them. This is cause I get so turned on by the hot, steamy exchanges of the FB denizens.
I love the soap opera that is the FB, especially the super secret exhange of PMs. Most especially your PMs Paigow.
I think I'll write a book - The Erotic Secrets of the FB