Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
Time to buy some camouflage and find a woman ready to take one for the country..
"Our philosophy is if you are out there partying and engage in casual sex you might as well 'Take One for the Country'." Indeed.
spree: nothing objectionable
There appear to be a few people out there not entirely on board the TOFTC bandwagon:
I contacted Annette Spargas of the UC Berkley chapter of NOW and asked if she had ever heard of Operation Take One for the Country. Spargas said that she, in fact, had heard of TOFTC and was working to find and protest the group at the first opportunity. "These women are really sick, they are prostituting themselves", Spargas ranted, "they are objectifying their bodies to the killers of the Bush cabals war machine. They need to examine how men have made prostitutes of women throughout time".
But the founder of the group had a choice rejoinder:
What a bunch of bay-auches! Those femi-nazis really make me mad. Yeah, we have a TOFTC 'battalion' in Oakland, but nothing else in the bay area. Berkeley girls are too femi-nazi granola and the Stanford girls are too stuck up intellectual. Not to worry though, we're getting some good indications of interest from Sacramento and Amador Counties (outside of San Francisco) and we'll be able to take care of the men of the Pacific Fleet, don't you worry".
I wonder if the military can work this into their recruiting somehow?
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