Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth would make Santa Claus himself vomit with rage.
It's nice that club professes a desire to see the truth come out, but it's sickening the way others on the right are working hard to flog the thing for all it's worth, truth be damned. For example, the Swift Vets attack (inter alia) the circumstances under which Kerry won a Bronze Star -- basically, he rescued someone under fire. The Special Forces trooper whom he rescued then writes a piece defending Kerry, so they (here, if I recall correctly, Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds, now more than ever a hack, if there was any doubt) responds: "So Kerry's main defender can't really know much about the specifics because he was only there for a few days. Why don't they put someone forward who can?"
Particularly ironic when you consider that exactly one (1) of the Swift Vets was on Kerry's boat, and that those who were support him.
What a load of horseshit.