Originally posted by dtb
Thank you, Atticus. That is very well said, and something I have thought to be the case for years, despite protestations to the contrary. I liken it to the unease a woman feels (not all women -- but the person hooting/leering can't know what sort of woman you are if he doesn't know you!) when being hooted/leered/yelled at by strange (meaning, they don't know you -- but they're probably strange in the other sense of the word too) men while walking down the sidewalk, minding her own business.
Unwanted sexual attention is unwanted sexual attention, no matter where it comes from. That someone could on the one hand say that the "hey baby..." remark made by a man to a woman he doesn't know should be taken as flattery, and on the other hand that a man unreceptive (heh) to male sexual advances should feel insulted or threatened by similar behavior is ludicris (that's the street way to spell it). Yet I have heard many men preach this double standard. Losers.
This whole idea could only apply to the situation being discussed if that baseball player only expressed his antigayish reservations after the other, purportedly gay, guy leered at him or came on to him in the locker room. Unless you feel those same feelings of unease when in the company of ANY person of the opposite sex, no matter how unsexual they are acting, your hypo fails.