Originally posted by sgtclub
Proving, that this was not a pipe dream of the right for political purposes.
Sigh. I have
got to remember to stop atacking shibboleths of the right. The ball never moves, and at the end of the day I've pissed away more billable time than I'd care to admit.
Club, you understand that this reasoning says nothing about the proximity of those convictions to what the allegations against the Clintons, right?
When (for example) Web Hubbell was found to have defraud his lawfirm partners of about $400k, I thought that said more about the carte blanche held by investigators to investigate and prosecute, you know, wrongdoing of any sort that they happened to come across during their Pursuit of Ultimate Truth than anything else.
But if you choose to believe that these and the other 11 convictions really tell us that the Clintons were dirty (though exceptionally Evil Geniuses to hide their tracks so well) then knock yourself out.