You mentioned L.A. If you ultimately may want to be in SoCal then probably Heller gives the most flexibility with offices in SD and L.A. I thought I heard that WSGR was opening in SD but don't think I've seen anything on that recently and they are not in L.A or the OC. Ditto Cooley.
Heller probably weathered the recession best given that they were never as heavily invested in the thing as the other two. WSGR seems much stronger today than Cooley financially and as an incoming 1Y it's probably not worth worrying too much about the huge backlog of senior people trying to make partner.
People on this board and certainly in can tell you all about the "groups" at WSGR and how that works. I was at VLG before the Heller days but my understanding from my friends who stayed and went to Heller is that virtually none of VLG's culture survived, i.e., it's just a more typical large firm culture relatively interchangeable with a dozen other firms.
Anecdotally, I think WSGR probably has the highest prestige work and conversely the lowest quality of life. Heller seems more stable and safer then Cooley (around whom rumors continue to swirl almost daily).
My $.02.