Originally posted by Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
I am pretty disturbed, however, that a CBS News Producer is facilitating a contact between her source for an anti-Bush story she's working on and a senior official of the Kerry campaign, for what it says about her journalistic integrity (oxymoron?).
You know, I had thought that Lockhart's "why don't you ask a journalist how often this happens" answer was a McClellanesque* dodge, but now that you bring this up and after reading the charges against ABC News producer Chris Vlasto on Atrios I'm wondering if Lockhart was really making a larger point, that this sort of stuff goes on often and it's really the journalists that should answer for it.
Tough time to be a newsie...makes one yearn for the simple innocence of the Jayson Blair days.
* second McClellan ref of the day. I think I may have a crush.