Shape Shifter
Al Franken has challenged Bill O'Reilly to a friendly bowling match. A group called Meetup.com has organized The Great American Bowl-Off, to happen on Oct 7 at a bowling "center" near you, as part of an effort to put partisan politics aside for a day as the election heats up. A spokesman for O'Reilly has said, "Bill O'Reilly is not going to respond to anything Al Franken says." O'Reilly was probably afraid that Al would catch him in another lie. Or Al may have challenged O'Reilly to wager his prestigious Peabody awards that he won for his work on A Current Affair.
Look at Al. He probably has his own ball and a polyester shirt with "Al" on the front pocket and BOB'S TOWING on the back.
Would you challenge Amstrong to a bike race? Me neither.