Originally posted by sgtclub
Let's put aside the issue of the specific number. Is your point that Bush is distorting the record or that Kerry is not a liberal on tax matters (i.e., that he is not more likely than most to support tax raises)?
I think it's both. "Woted 98 times to increase taxes," when several of the votes were on the same bill, is misleading, though technically true. The Bush number earlier in the campaign was 350, so I guess they're getting a little better. Did you go over to
http://www.factcheck.org to ingestigate Kerry's voting record on taxes? I don't know what you consider "more likely than most," especially in light of the tax increases he voted on (increase in cigarette tax, the no-new-taxes-taxes, and Clinton's 1993 deficit reduction package). The relevant article is
here, and
this is the RNC rebuttal.