Originally posted by sgtclub
Please tell me how the how social GOP affects your daily life in an adverse way. Abortion is legal. What other complaints do you have.
Well, on a local level, I can't have a bloody mary with my brunch on Sunday at the Dew Drop Inn.
I am kinda leery about using my Visa to pay for salacious books (Exit to Eden type stuff and Barbara Cartlandt romances, mostly) at the local bookstore. Thanks, USA PATRIOT Act!
The local police like to take pictures of people at environmental and labor rallies. The people at Young Americans for Freedom and Promise Keepers events? Not so much.
Our schools don't teach sex ed anymore.
A county commissioner likes to have his church group demonstrate outside the Blockbuster when a movie with nekked women in it is released in VHS/DVD.
Some bastard keeps taking the shady parking spot in front of my office, and he has a W sticker on his rear window. With a Calvin praying in front of a cross sticker next to it.