The $150 million dollar question
At my current job, I wouldn't want to burn bridges. I might even leave parting gifts for a few. I'd at least sponsor a happy hour.
I've reached a sense of peace about my former employer, so I wouldn't need to do anything over there. I had spent much time fostering scenarios about certain people there, but I don't think it would be worth the money.
Having said that, if I decided to be a vengeful rich man, I would totally outsource that stuff. I'd hire a dream team comprising members of Marsellus Wallace's pipe-hitting crew, some Russian mafia, some Sicilian mafia, Schillinger from Oz, an abnormal psych professor with flexible morals in need of some cash, and a leader who is one-part Pat Riley, one-part John Doe (Kevin Spacey from Se7en, not the lead singer of X), and one-part Hannibal Lecter. Of course, I wouldn't hire them directly. You need a good Kobayashi-type middle man for that type of thing. They deliver the videotape to him, he delivers it to me, I watch it once and then destroy it. Maybe I don't even watch it at all.
Like I said, I don't think about it now, but I have thought about it before.
"You're going to miss everything cool and die angry."