Originally posted by MangoLassi
Love that show. Though am glad Brenda has been (though apparently not for much longer) out of the pitcher. Of course upcoming episodes will feature Nate's inexorable pull back to Brenda, so I suppose the respite won't last.
I loved the "scenes from next week" trailler where Nate told Lisa in a demanding voice to take off her jeans when they were off in the woods. THat is about the hottest thing for me. Of course its gonna show her all offended and saying thats pseudo rape or male dominance or whatever and he will subconsicsouly think taht Brenda would totally be into it.
and speaking of hot, I thought Brenda's brother was one of the sexiest things going. I hope they bring him back. what was his real name? Jeremy someting italian?
As for AI, I saw the last few minutes of Carmen doing her super shitty karaoke act and Trenyce singing again. Oops, looks like crime doesnt pay, Trenyce. You are safe for another week. At least Americans have a notoriously short attention span. Here's to hoping that Clay got arrested jerking off in a men's room or something to take the heat off.
I am hoping someone else posts the other person in the bottom three.