Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
In the theater:
"National Treasure" - a poor man's Indiana Jones; wait for video. Nick Cage sucks as an action hero. Diane Kruger is pretty hot, though.
'Van Helsing" - ugh. Horrible. Glad I didn't pay to see it.
"THX-1138" - I haven't seen this is years. The DVD remaster is terrific; it looks very fresh and timely. Duval is terrific.
"The Terminal" - sappy Speilberg crap. Hanks coasts through the flick, hardly breaking a sweat. The best character was the little Indian janitor Gupta.
"The Limey" - more style than substance, though that's not necessarily a bad thing.
"The Cooler" - I've been looking forward to seeing this for some time. Was just "eh" in my opinion. I probably built it up too much. Now that I've seen it, I think I remember someone complaining here about the very end of the movie, and I tend to agree.
"Love Actually" - Tivo picked this as something I would like. Lord knows why. I've never shown a predisposition for sappy love stories. There were a couple of good story lines, woven in with some horrible, banal ones. I should have just fast forwarded through everything involving the English-Portugese plot line. And the one with the kid. I did enjoy Alan Rickman, but then I always do. And it was far too long. Isn't there some rule that romantic comedies can't be longer than an hour and a half? This clocks over 2 hours.