Originally posted by notcasesensitive
so you had a gun requirement?* I don't know of any gun ban, and we had water guns when I was a kid, but being in a family of just two girls, I don't think that my parents ever had to really decide the issue. We just weren't interested in cops/robbers, cowboys/indians, etc. We did play a fierce game of animal adoptions, however. Where we put all of our stuffed animals out together and picked one by one which one we would take "home" with us. A varient of doll adoption, that always turned out to be much more fun.
*not meant to sound snotty. I know this to be the case for a couple of friends who grew up in Texas. hunting was a family sport for them.
I had thought that the discussions earlier today were about toy guns, not real guns. The guns bilmore is discussing sound like real guns. Which is completely different -- I can see the Army stepfather being more okay with real hunting guns for older children than he is with fake guns for younger children.