Holiday Fun Bags
Originally posted by Not Bob
This is like the 800th time you've done this. I have no dog in your substantive fights with people, but this drives me nuts. The word is spelled BEHAVIOR.
Here's a newsflash: we kicked John Bull's ass twice* so that our children could spell this word (and "color") correctly. You're in America -- love it or leave it, Anglophile Boy.
*Yeah, twice. The burning and looting of DC? Big whoopee. See the Battle of New Orleans (yes, it still counts as a win, since no one knew about the Treaty of Ghent) and the exploits of the USS Constitution.
Heh. I've been in a fight for 7 years with a bunch of Brits and Canadians regarding their mistaken impression on the real victor of the war of 1812. Those Commonwealth folk have weird notions.
ETA to preempt any geek accusations. I know. I know.
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79