Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
We know when you come by the shudder. You can fake the screams, the jumping around and everything else, but you can't fake that little shake you all do when you're coming. Now, before you tell me you don't shudder, which someone will, you do. Its all a matter of degree. Some of you tense up and grab us while you do it. Some of you shake like an earthquake. But you all do it.
Uh, maybe not when you are 24 After a few seconds of fast ramming I decided to reach for the wand as I knew the clock was ticking. Didn't have time to hit the on switch. Given that lack of common courtesy, I certainly wasn't gonna turn in a performance. That's not doing anyone any favors and its not like I am insincere. What he said was "How was it?" I said "OK". Then he said "did you come" and i said "no" and he thought I was joking.
Its enough to make a romp with Bilmore seem like a good idea.