Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
I heard about a couple who ran into him eating breakfast in a resort in California (second hand story). They politely apologized for invading his space, but told him they were huge fans and would really like his autograph. He very nicely responded by shaking their hands and writing something on a napkin, which he then folded and handed to the husband with the directive that the napkin not be opened until Carlin left the restaurant. They obliged. On Carlin's way out, people recognized him and he did a few bows and waved a bit. Once he left, the couple opened the napkin and found "Fuck You - George Carlin."
I have no idea if its true, but its easy to believe.
I saw him on Letterman or Leno a year ago. He's beaten, and seemed confused. He stilled tried to do his hip guy act, but it seemed clear he was an old out of touch guy trying to seem hip. I felt bad for him.
By the way, has Letterman become Leno? I saw him a week or so before New Year's. He was talking about Regis taking over for Dick Clark on "New Year's Rockin Eve." Okay, so there's the set-up, what will the joke be? Something clever about a band that's playing- maybe some Regis groupie joke? No.
Letterman's joke "Yeah, that who I want to see doing New Year's Rockin Eve- Regis, he's the first guy I think of when I think of rock."
This is the obvious statement that anyone with a three digit IQ would see immediately- i.e. the joke Leno would tell. Letterman would never have done that a few year's back- is this Lenoization becoming more frequent?