Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
I have generally been of the "come the paperless revolution" persuasion, particularly with respect to lawyering (where computing seems to have produced vastly more, not less, paper, sigh) but also generally, including with respect to voting. However, I have been set on my back foot by the fact that every last "computer guy" I have talked to about it insists that, knowing what they do about computers, they will never, never, never agree to vote electronically and will always insist on voting by paper ballot.
Oddly enough, I have had computer guys (well, girls, actually) tell me that even they, low level programmers that they are, could easily create programming that would enable secure electronic (internet) voting. And these people are suspicious leftist types too.
Frankly, what little I know about it suggests that this sort of thing should be doable over some sort of computer network with sufficient safegaurds to be reliable (or at least much more so than paper). Think about it. No matter how bad your firm's IT department is (and our totally sucks), you protect the security of confidential info every day.